TERRITORIAL AUTHORITIESTerritorial Taxes Certificates of payment of property taxes
Check the authenticity of the documents of the General Treasury of the Kingdom and edit your attestations and certificates in electronic format. The authenticity of these documents is verified via uploading or by scanning the QR code at the bottom of the document via a mobile phone or by entering the verification code. As a public purchaser, benefit from the following tele-services: • Publication of information on the portal: publish your forecast purchasing programs, the information on calls for tenders and related tender documents, the results of calls for tenders, companies excluded from participating in public procurement, the summary of audit reports. • Electronic counting : electronically counting the tenders received on the public procurement portal. • Business consultation files database : download all the business consultation files launched by public buyers in the Kingdom. • Reverse electronic auction : launch reverse electronic auction for the acquisition of current supplies. • Regulatory Watch : consult all the regulatory texts governing public procurement. As a Human Resources Manager, benefit, for the good of the agents and civil servants under your management, from the following tele-services: • Issuing of the Salary Certificate ; • Issuing salary pay statement ; • Issuing of the Income Tax Certificate ; • Issuing of the Certificate of contributions to mutual insurance ; • Issuing of the certificate of validation of previous services ; • Issuing of the Certificate of withholding tax imposed on the salary ; • Issuing of the Certificate of Collection of Family Allowances ; • Issuing of the Certificate of cessation of payment. | |