Public servantsE-public servants(Administrative Situation, Salary Certificate, Situation of Spouses .....) The remuneration of agents and public servants of the State, local authorities and certain public establishments is a profession within the TGR. Public expenditure related to personnel is provided by the Directorate of Personnel Expenditure and the entire TGR network, including ministerial, regional, prefectural or provincial treasuries as well as collection office. The tele-services provided to civil servants and agents of the State, local authorities and other bodies are as follows : • Viewing and editing pay slips ; • Consulting and editing the administrative, financial and family situations ; • Monitoring the progress of administrative files. The authenticity of these documents is verified by uploading a scanned copy of the QR code at the bottom of the the document via a mobile phone or by entering the verification code. Please make sure that the open site is truly the TGR one and that the address is secured in HTTPS via a valid certificate.
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