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Al Khazina
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Al khazina
Al Khazina No. 20 - October 2024: Special Issue / Towards a Renewal of Local Financial Advisory
Al khazina October 19th 2023: Special / public procurement financing
Al Khazina n° 18 Octobre 2022 : Of Some Special Budgetary, Financial and Accounting Procedures
Al Khazina n° 17 December 2021: One Hundred Years of Control of State Expenditure Commitments
Al Khazina n° 16 March 2021: Special / State services accounts managed autonomously (SEGMA): Between specificity of the status and particularism of financial and accounting management
Al Khazina n°15 Special Single treasury account at the service of the cash unit and the State Treasury
Al Khazina n° 14 / September 2018: Special Staff costs
Al Khazina n° 13 June 2017: - Special Centenary of the General Treasury of the Kingdom and Public Accounting
Al Khazina n° 12 April 2017: Special / The territorial reform of 2015: new features and challenges;
Al Khazina n° 11 August 2014: Special / Territorial Collectivities
Al Khazina n° 10 August 2013: Special / Information systems: a central instrument for steering public finance reforms
Al Khazina n° 09 Special Program for the Dematerialization of Public Procurement in the service of Transparency in Public Procurement
Al Khazina n° 8 August 2011: Special / State accounting reform
Al Khazina n° 7 February 2009: Special / Public markets
Al Khazina n° 6 October 2006: Reorganization of the TGR; Reform of the public expenditure control system; securitization of public debts; XIth international colloquium of the Treasury services
Al Khazina n° 5 December 2005: New visual identity of the TGR; Reform of the public accounting system; Marrakech regional treasury; joint and several liability of the manager of the company
Al Khazina n° 4 October 2004: Sustainability and budget deficits; the management of state finances: a historical overview (2); audit and performance of organizations
Al Khazina n° 3 July 2004: For a more active collection policy; the management of state finances: a historical overview
Al Khazina n° 2 April 2004: Administrative control of state spending; the master plan for the TGR information system; need for an integrated public debt management system
Al Khazina n° 1 December 2003: New rules relating to payment deadlines and interest on arrears on government contracts; contributions of the new municipal charter (law 78-00)
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