Our values
Four shared values are the common foundation of the General Treasury of the Kingdom to up on which refers its ambitions, bonds its daily actions and base its moral judgments to guide and conduct its human resources on an individual and collective level. COMMITMENTEthics - Integrity - Solidarity and Proximity - Equality – MotivationAn ethical contract which results in the support and involvement of all staff of the General Treasury of the Kingdom, either women or men, in the vision and objectives of the institution that places customers and partners at the center of its concerns. OPENINGTransparency- Communication- Information- ListeningThe will externally and internally to develop communication, share information, strengthen listening and respect of the principle of transparency on a daily basis to contribute to the efficiency of public management. PERFORMANCERigor- Responsibility- Professionalism- Quality serviceEncourage individual and collective responsibility, consolidate the professionalism of the teams within the framework of daily rigor and a continuous search for quality service to develop the trades and projects of the General Treasury of the Kingdom and create value. INNOVATIONCreativity- Initiative- Modernity- Agent of changeEncourage the taking of initiatives by initiating the principle of modernity and by valuing creativity at all levels as a factor of change. CODE OF ETHICS
As an extension of the Iltizam values charter, the Code of Ethics aims to be an ethical benchmark and to set certain rules of conduct abiding all employees of the General Treasury of the Kingdom. We ourselvesArticle 1 :We strive to preserve the general interest and ensure the continuity of public service by acting with integrity, loyalty, professionalism and neutrality in compliance with the law and regulations. Article 2 :We are responsible, each at its own level, for the proper use and protection of the goods and resources allocated to TGR against any deterioration, alteration, fraud, loss or theft. These goods and resources must be used in accordance with their professional purpose. Article 3 :We must avoid ending up in an apparent or real conflict of interest situation by avoiding any direct or indirect pecuniary relationship in a context other than professional. We must not grant or accept preferential treatment for the benefit of our family members or those close to us. Article 4 :We make sure to respect the rules concerning the fight against corruption by refusing any benefits which could help to obtain a favor or influence the outcome of a negotiation. Article 5 :We must not, within the framework of our professional relations, accept from a customer or a partner, or offer them, any remuneration, gifts and other advantages. We can offer them only gifts or benefits of low value, which are not paid in cash and comply with the rules of courtesy, hospitality or protocol and customs. Article 6In no case should we go beyond our function, use our hierarchical position to serve our personal interests or to assist natural or legal persons in their relationship with our institution, if this may result in preferential treatment. Article 7We are bound to the confidentiality of the data entrusted to us and of all non-public information in compliance with the laws and regulations in force. Using this data and information is not only contrary to our code of ethics but also punishable. OUR COLLEAGUES AND COLLABORATORSArticle 8 :We must show solidarity with our collaborators and colleagues, demonstrate team spirit, respect people and be fair. Article 9 :We are determined to offer our collaborators equal opportunities for recognition and career development to contribute to the development of professionalism and motivation by offering training, promotion and mobility opportunities in line with the resources available to the administration. Article 10 :We make it our obligation to guarantee our colleagues and collaborators a working environment that respects social legislation and meets health and safety standards. We also owe them protection and assistance in the exercise of their functions and promotion of accessibility to services. Article 11 :We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment in the workplace. Article 12 :We encourage social dialogue in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. OUR CUSTOMERS AND PARTNERSArticle 13 :We are committed to ensuring continuity of public service, equal treatment for all and to promoting accessibility to our services for disabled people. Article 14 :We offer them an open welcome, responsive listening and quality services as soon as possible. We provide them with reliable and transparent information, and we give our partners assistance and advice. Article 15 :We ask our customers and partners to help us comply with the principles of ethics regarding compliance with laws and regulations by avoiding solicitations, conflict of interest, corruption and fraud. Article 16 :We intend to behave in socially responsible administration because we are engaged in actions of solidarity, training and assistance. | |