| Loi n° 47-06 relative à la fiscalité des collectivités territoriales
| Dahir N° 1-19-13 of February 13, 2019 on the Cancellation of Appropriations (Arabic O.B. 6754 of 02/21/2019)
| Dahir N° 1-09-02 of 22 Safar 1430 promulgating Law N° 45-08 relating to the Organization of Local Authorities and relative Groups’ Finances (O.B. n° 5714 of March 5, 2009)
| Dahir N° 1-13-74 of 18 Ramadan 1434 promulgating Law N° 131-12 on the Principles of Delineation of the Local Authorities’ Territorial Jurisdictions
| Dahir N° 1-92-5 (5 Safar 1413) promulgating Law N° 31-90 reorganizing the Municipal Equipment Fund (O.B. August 19, 1992)